Analytics platform
Clients: Advance Properties
Category: Data, IT
Date: 01/09/2024

Analytics platform

In late 2017, we were approached by Advance Properties Group, a conglomerate boasting over 150 subsidiaries spanning diverse industries. They sought our expertise in automating financial report generation and consolidation. Leveraging our status as an IBM Gold partner, we crafted a solution using a blend of IBM and open-source tools.

Our automation efforts revolutionized the reporting process, enhancing accuracy and reliability by reducing human errors and ensuring data consistency across financial reports. Additionally, we implemented financial consolidation, enabling the seamless integration of financial data from numerous entities and the generation of precise reports in accordance with accounting standards.

Why is this important? 

The significance of this undertaking lies in its ability to ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate penalties, and enhance the group’s reputation. We designed user-friendly dashboards to boost efficiency and productivity, liberating time for value-added activities like data analysis, strategic decision-making, and insights provision. This holistic approach not only streamlines operations but also contributes to the overall success and resilience of the Advance Properties Group.

RSC’s Analytics platform helps management, CFOs, Controllers, Auditors to have individual and consolidated financial reports on all levels with real-time data.

Business Challenge

RSC faced the challenge of providing real-time financial reports to various stakeholders, while dealing with multiple ERPs, database connectors, currencies, data types of 150+ subsidiaries. The platform also has to handle large volumes of unstructured financial data, which requires cleaning, processing, and standardizing.


Using the IBM stack mixed with open-source tools RSC managed to automate the whole reporting, increasing accuracy and reliability by minimizing human errors and ensuring consistent data across financial reports. By developing user-friendly dashboards, efficiency and productivity improved, freeing up time for value-added activities such as data analysis, strategic decision-making, and providing insights. It also includes financial consolidation, which enables the group to combine financial data from multiple entities and generate accurate reports in compliance with accounting standards.

Expected Outcome

  • Enhancing transparency and compliance
  • Improving efficiency and productivity
  • Increasing accuracy and reliability


  • IBM Cognos Analytics
  • IBM Cognos Controller
  • IBM DataStage
  • IBM Netezza
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap